Demographics of Gamblers in the US – 2025 Data

The USA’s gambling industry has transformed a lot over the past few decades. With the creation of online platforms and the legalization of gambling in various states, more players than ever enjoy the thrills of gambling. This post aims to provide you with a detailed look at the demographics of gamblers in America.

Person Playing Roulette

Along with an expansion in offline and online gambling platforms, the gaming industry has also diversified significantly. We’re seeing a shift in the number of youngsters gambling – which is no surprise given the popularity and ease of accessing mobile gambling facilities. However, land-based gambling participation remains high, as you’ll see later on.

In this post, we’re going to delve deeper to understand the current landscape of the gambling industry in the USA. We’ll cover everything from online gambling demographics, look at the average age of casino gamblers, and cover key gambling stats from 2023 so far. We’ll also look at where people are gambling – so let’s get started.

General Gamblers Statistics

According to recent studies, around 84% of all Americans have visited a land-based casino in the past. Of these, three out of five Americans admit to having made a vacation or planned a trip specifically to visit a casino. So far, accurate as of September 2023, the participation rate in gambling activities peaks among young adults ages 18-29, with over half reporting having gambled in the past year. Men tend to gamble more frequently than women across most age groups.

In particular, young adult males ages 18-29 stand out with a past year gambling rate of 61%, much higher than the 39% rate among young adult females. Male college students are also disproportionately likely to gamble and develop gambling problems. Across all adults, men gamble more regularly than women, though the gender gap narrows in older age groups.

According to gamblers statistics, sports betting is far more popular among younger demographics, and the average American will wager $682 on gambling every year. We’re now going to break down some gambling stats in more detail, beginning with a look at online gambling statistics.

Online Gambling Demographics

Online gambling for real money has expanded rapidly in the US in recent years following the 2018 Supreme Court decision allowing states to legalize sports betting. Currently, around half of states have legalized some form of online gambling, with more expected to follow suit. The online gambling market continues to see significant financial growth. For example, in 2021, online gambling revenue was worth some $9.5 billion, up from $8.7 billion the previous year.

Sports betting is the most popular form of online gambling, and 32% of gamblers admit to placing bets on sporting events online. Playing the lottery is the second most common online gambling activity, with 31% of participants admitting to purchasing online lotto tickets, and slots comes third, with 31% of participants playing video slots.

According to statistics on the demographics of gamblers, younger adults are more likely to gamble online compared to older Americans too, according to the latest research. 22% of 35-44 year olds said they were likely to play slots online in the next 30 days, versus just 11% of those 55 and over. Sports betting apps have also become increasingly popular – especially with younger male audiences. By the end of 2023, the online sports betting market is expected to grow to 23 million US users.

While men still gamble online more than women, the gender gap is narrower for online versus land-based gambling. Online gambling provides a convenient, readily accessible way to gamble – and this has allowed more women to enjoy gambling action than ever before. Below, we will take a look at some other online gambling stats in more depth.

Game Preferences Among Different Demographics

Slots remain popular among all age groups – largely thanks to their simplicity. However, game preferences change quite a lot when looking at other casino games. For example, younger players favor live dealer games and sports betting at much higher rates than older generations – and it’s believed this is due to their social interactivity. Older demographics prefer traditional games like blackjack, poker, and roulette, finding familiarity in their established rules and strategies.

Socioeconomic Status of Gamblers

An important demographic shift in online casino users is occurring across socioeconomic status. While users span income brackets, there has been a marked increase in the number of those gambling online from middle and upper-middle income groups. It’s unclear why this is, although some experts have pointed out that, once again, accessibility is likely the main driving force. We’re also seeing many online gambling sites offering rewards programs that are much more generous than the ones found in land-based casinos – so this is likely to be another key reason.

Age Demographics in Online Gambling

So far in 2023, online gambling demographics have been dominated by millennials and Gen Z, and it’s the 25-34 and 35-44 age groups making up the bulk of users. The increase of the younger demographic can be attributed to their digital abilities – although we’ve also started to see a larger number of older users beginning to gamble online. This is likely down to the fact that the entry barrier to the online gambling world continues to lower. For example, the second-fastest-growing user base is the 45-54 age bracket.

Gender Demographics in Online Gambling

Historically an arena dominated by men, online casinos have, in the past few years, begun to see a change in the demographics of gamblers, with women now making up close to 45% of users. Targeted marketing and a more inclusive online environment have driven this substantial demographic shift. Online casinos are actively working to make gaming a welcoming space for women, and it’s clear that it’s paying off!

Sports Betting Statistics

Sports betting has exploded in popularity and legality across much of the United States in recent years. Football is the most popular sport for betting, with 71% of punters placing an NFL bet in the past year. The NBA is the second most popular sports betting option, with 63% of participants placing a basketball bet. College football and basketball are also very popular, with around 30% of punters placing bets on them. Most sports bettors (86%) prefer to place bets on game outcomes rather than individual player performance. Two-thirds bet with the odds, while one-third bet against them.

While over a quarter of bettors wager online, 20% admitted crossing state lines specifically to place sports bets where it was legal. This speaks to the demand for more widespread sports betting access and options. 76% of Americans surveyed want to see more local sportsbooks, and 58% are willing to travel over 20 miles to visit one.

The demographics of sports bettors follow historic trends; it’s a predominantly male and young market. However, as more states legalize online and in-person betting, sports betting is likely to continue growing over all age groups, eventually evening out and closing the gap we’re still seeing today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Having read our extensive guide on gambling demographics in the US, we hope you now understand more about gamblers statistics in the USA. Clearly, the market is still led by a younger male demographic, but this is likely to continue changing, especially as online gambling opens up and marketing campaigns are directed towards other demographics. If you’re looking for quick answers to your gambling stats questions, check out the FAQs below. If you’d like more detailed, in-depth answers, make sure to click on the individual links to be directed to the full section.

1. What are the general trends in gambling participation among different age groups and genders in the US?

In the US, a significant portion of the population has engaged in gambling, with land-based casino gambling still proving popular. Young adults, particularly males between the ages of 18 and 29, are more inclined to gamble, with many planning trips exclusively to visit land-based casinos or sports betting parlors in states where they're legal. While men generally gamble more than women, this trend tends to become less apparent with age. It's also worth noting that sports betting is a favored activity among younger individuals, and on average, an American spends about $682 on gambling annually.

2. How has the landscape of online gambling evolved in recent years, and what are the preferences of different age groups?

Online gambling has seen a substantial growth in the US, especially after the 2018 Supreme Court ruling that allowed individual states to legalize sports betting. As of now, nearly half of the states have embraced some form of online gambling, with sports betting being the most popular choice. Younger adults are more inclined towards online gambling, with sports betting the key leader. However, older demographics are driving the online gambling surge, too, with the 45-54 age bracket the second-fastest-growing demographic in the industry right now.

3. How do game preferences vary among different age groups?

When it comes to the specific gambling games that users are playing, different age groups have varying preferences. Slots are universally popular due to their simplicity, and around 31% of Americans who admit to gambling in the past year have played slots, either online or at land-based casinos. However, younger individuals are playing live dealer games and placing sports bets - at a much higher rate to the older demographics - and it's believed to be because these games offer more social and interactive experiences. In contrast, older individuals prefer classic games like blackjack, poker, and roulette, which provide a sense of familiarity and established strategies.

4. What changes are occurring in the socioeconomic demographics of online casino users?

Recently, there has been a noticeable shift in the socioeconomic demographics of online casino users. More individuals from middle and upper-middle income groups are participating, thanks to the ease at which online casinos can be accessed. Some experts have also pointed at the fact that gambling online is now less stigmatized than before - and, as these platforms offer a range of betting options catering to pretty much everyone, it's harder than ever for many players to justify gambling offline.

5. What are the current trends and statistics in sports betting in the US?

Sports betting has surged in popularity in the US, with football - NFL betting, specifically - by far the most common type of sports bet placed by punters. Interestingly, the vast majority of punters prefer betting on game outcomes rather than individual player performances, and experts are currently unsure why this is. In addition to NFL betting, NBA is also incredibly popular, with around 62% of all Americans who've placed sports bets in the past year admitting to placing a bet on an NBA match. Again, like with the NFL, players prefer to place bets on entire game outcomes rather than individual player performances.

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