NFL Companies Are New Competitors of Betting Companies
After years of persistent opposition to sports betting, there is a high chance that in the near future it may even be allowed in the stadiums. NFL owners will compete with betting companies for a share of America’s rising sports betting industry in the coming years.

Sport match in a stadium © Marco_Pomella/Pixaba
The CBA states that owners and players must share income created from the establishment of gambling-related enterprises located in or physically connected to an NFL stadium. With that fans can opt to pick up a three-team parlay from a stadium bookmaker renting area.
Profit from gambling on NFL games or on NFL players in in the games games or any other activity connected to NFL / Club is included in the agreement and also addresses possible benefits from slot machines located in or physically connected to an NFL stadium.
CBA Claims Players Will Earn Less Share of Non-NFL Sports Bets
The association notes that sportsbook activities from the stadiums could still run during the summer, but players will earn a lower share of non-NFL sports bet revenues.
Much of the gambling income shared between owners and players may be dependent on the result of wagers, described in the CBA as the gross net difference between gaming gains and losses irrespective of any excise taxes or other gambling taxes or service fees allegedly charged or owed.
“This is a forward-looking language that addresses revenue sharing from activities in the event they take place in the future. There’s no certainty or timeline as to when these activities would be implemented”- noted Brian McCarthy, NFL vice president of communications.
Legal sportsbooks have begun to work in 17 states, with another stream of jurisdictions set to follow. Sports gaming regulations in Illinois and Washington, D.C. permit professional sports facilities to apply for licenses. Construction is ongoing at Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C. on a sportsbook owned by bookmaker William Hill U.S. Negotiations have been conducted about putting a sportsbook in or around Wrigley Field in Chicago, as well as about the proposed sports betting bill in Virginia which allows gaming licenses for sports stadiums, something that was added at the request of Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder.
Virginia is among the states aiming to establish an online sports betting industry, therefore it may be impractical to have physical betting areas at stadiums.
Sportsbooks Have Changed Their Design Orders Over the Years
JCJ Architecture, a company with significant clients in the hospitality industry, claims that it has seen an upswing in sportsbook design orders, particularly at sportsbooks in stadiums. JCJ chief executive Paul Hamel said the organization has partnered on more than a dozen national sportsbook ventures.
The NFL has been very strict in terms of mainstream sports betting for years, concerned about any adverse effect on the games ‘ legitimacy. The league denied ads for Las Vegas and forbade players to take part in casino activities. Six years it fought New Jersey to block the state from opening a controlled market for sports betting. However, in May 2018 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the NFL, other big professional sports leagues and the NCAA, allowing the states to regulate sports betting by themselves.